World Culture Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion...

Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

World Culture Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

On September 9 at New York Fashion Week, Kazakhstani fashion designers Medina Saktaganova and Nurbibi Saktaganova demonstrated their collection to the demanding public. Designer Aliya Valerievna presented her products at the Pop-Up Store. It was the first show of works of Kazakhstani fashion designers at the event of such level. The artists also visited other haute couture shows as part of the fashion tour.

Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

The whole show was permeated with Kazakhstani flavor – from gorgeous models to music and video dedicated to the native land. The Kazakh folk dance that preceded the fashion show was followed by a mesmerizing video in which the viewer could feel the beauty of the Kazakh expanses, the height of mountains and the depth of canyons.

Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

Feminine, elegant, delicate, but at the same time strong in their images dresses attracted the eyes, you wanted to stop a moment to look at every detail of the costume. Absolutely thought-out, bearing a certain message elements of ornamentation spoke about the uniqueness of Kazakh culture and its modern embodiment.

Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

The music recorded especially for the event gave a special mood to the fashion show. The author of the piece was the famous Kazakhstani kobyzist Olzhas Qurmanbek.

Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

The organizer of the evening, Anel Nurasheva, shared with DimashNews that the main goal was to show the strength of spirit, unity, creativity and unique culture of the native country through a special collection:

“The event was held at the highest level. Kazakh partners Aydyn Essengeldy, photographer Miras Bayanov, took part in organizing the show. Kazakhstani models Zarina Eva, Inna Dobra, Gauhar Kenes, Nazym Nusipakin, Kristina Mennisova, working in New York, took to the catwalk. The final exit of the designers was applauded by the whole hall, the guests of the evening were pleasantly surprised by the support of compatriots and the unity demonstrated by all the participants of the show. Also, especially pleasant was the fact that many Kazakhstani people living at the moment in the USA flew from all over the country to support our fashion designers”.

Also, during the fashion week the organizers held a fashion tour for the guests, within the framework of which they could visit the shows of other famous designers.

Kazakhstani fashion designers conquered America at New York Fashion Week

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