Dimash and Michael Kors will support the UN World Food Program


Dimash announces his partnership with Michael Kors in order to raise awareness about the UN World Food Program.

I am happy to support the @MichaelKors initiative, #FoodIsLove, with the @WorldFoodProgramme (WFP).  Their mission to achieve zero world food hunger by providing meals to children is something very close to my heart particularly during the pandemic.  All proceeds from every Love shirt purchased will help support the WFP. Help me support them and get your own! Link in bio. – Dimash commented oh his official instagram account.

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“I am happy to support the @MichaelKors initiative, #FoodIsLove, with the @WorldFoodProgramme (WFP). Their mission to achieve zero world food hunger by providing meals to children is something very close to my heart particularly during the pandemic. All proceeds from every Love shirt purchased will help support the WFP. Help me support them and get your own! Link in bio. Мен @MichaelKors #FoodIsLove @WorldFoodProgramme (Дүниежүзілік азық-түлік бағдарламасы) жобасын қуана қолдаймын. Олардың балаларды тамақтандыру арқылы әлемдегі азық-түлік мұқтаждығын жою мақсаты маған жақын, әсіресе пандемия кезінде. Сатылған әр “Love” футболкаларынан түскен қаржы түгел ДАБ –қа аударылады (Дүниежүзілік азық-түлік бағдарламасы). Маған оларға қолдау таныту үшін сіздердің көмектеріңіз қажет-футболкамен суретке түсіп #WATCHHGGERSTOP және @michaelkors тегтеңіз. Әр пост пен сторис үшін «Michael Kors» БҰҰ-ның Дүниежүзілік Азық-түлік бағдарламасына 50 адамдық түскі ас бөледі! Сілтемесі БИО-да. Я рад поддержать инициативу @MichaelKors #FoodIsLove совместно со Всемирной программой продовольствия (ВПП) @WorldFoodProgramme. Их миссия по полной ликвидации продовольственного голода в мире путем обеспечения детей питанием мне очень близка, особенно во время пандемии. Все доходы от каждой купленной футболки «Love» помогут поддержать ВПП. Помогите мне поддержать их – опубликуйте фото в футболке с тегом #WATCHHUNGERSTOP и @michaelkors. За каждый пост и сториз «Michael Kors» пожертвует по 50 порций обеда во Всемирную Продовольственную Программу ООН! Ссылка в био. #WatchHungerStop #FoodIsLove #Dimash

A post shared by Dimash Kudaibergen (@kudaibergenov.dimash) on


<img alt="Dimash"> <img alt="Michael Kors"> <img alt="UN">

Michael Kors is a world-renowned, award-winning designer of luxury accessories and ready-to-wear. His namesake company, established in 1981, currently produces a range of products under his signature Michael Kors Collection, MICHAEL Michael Kors and Michael Kors Men’s labels. These products include accessories, footwear, watches, jewelry, women’s and men’s ready-to-wear, wearable technology, eyewear and a full line of fragrance products.

Michael Kors stores are operated, either directly or through licensing partners, in some of the most prestigious cities in the world, including New York, Beverly Hills, Chicago, London, Milan, Paris, Munich, Istanbul, Dubai, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Rio de Janeiro. The company prides itself on hiring and retaining diverse talent and providing an inclusive work environment for all, while celebrating global events and cultures that reflect the diversity, experiences and perspectives of people around the world.

Behind this burgeoning empire stands a singular designer with an innate sense of glamour and an unfailing eye for timeless chic. Michael Kors has won numerous accolades within the fashion industry, been honored for his philanthropy, and earned the respect and affection of millions. Wholly dedicated to a vision of style that is as sophisticated as it is indulgent, as iconic as it is modern, he has created an enduring luxury lifestyle empire with a global reach.