Sakura – a symbol of tenderness and love


One of the most beautiful phenomena of spring, of course, is the sakura blossom.

Millions of tourists travel to admire the white and pink miracle that embraces the parks of Japan in March through April. Delicate flowers exuding a delicate aroma create an amazing atmosphere that captivates at first sight.

In Japan, there is a holiday dedicated to the flowering of Sakura Hanami. Once the official opening ceremony of the holiday takes place, everyone goes to the parks to admire the blossoming sakura.

Sakura has long been a symbol of tenderness and love. The pink air miracle can not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, there is a philosophical view of sakura blossoms. The flowering period does not last very long, up to 7 days. And this serves as a reminder of the mortality of the world, the transience of beautiful moments, urging everyone to appreciate every moment of life.

Sakura petals, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, bring quite tangible benefits. They are used in cooking, added to dishes. As well as in cosmetology and perfumery, a large number of face and body care products are produced with an extract, aroma, and essence of sakura. And it is not surprising that it is in great demand. The secrets of beauty of Japanese women are interesting and in demand to this day. And although there are other countries and cities where you can also see sakura blossoms, for example Paris, Stockholm, Vilnius, most often people travel to see the pink miracle of nature to Japan. And this is understandable, because Japan is considered the birthplace of a tree with delicate flowers.